James Marchese on Speaking Against Tyranny and Protecting What Matters Most
Renowned whistleblower James Marchese

offers expert advice on combating tyrannical restrictions and protecting what matters most to you.
James Marchese is best known as a successful entrepreneur and actor; however, he also holds a Juris Doctorate in Law from Seton Hall Law School and has a track record of successfully blowing the whistle on large, powerful wrongdoers. He is uniquely positioned to offer advice on business and individual rights in an age when local and state governments are doing everything in their power to control the lives of individual Americans by using fear tactics via the mainstream and social media to push the narrative.
Unlike many state governments and so-called scientific experts, James Marchese puts a premium on the facts. He notes that statistics clearly show the death rate for COVID-19 victims under the age of 39 is a measly 0.2%. This number rises to just 0.4% for individuals from 40 to 49 years of age. In other words, people under the age of 50 have a survival rate of 99.6% to 99.8%. It is primarily those over the age of 70 who need to be concerned about contracting the novel coronavirus; hence, it would benefit such individuals to take precautions. However, as James Marchese accurately notes, the lockdowns are not only pointless but downright harmful. By the CDC’s statistics, the transmission of the virus occurs 78% of the time at home.
The lockdowns financially and emotionally have harmed the lower and middle-income earners while enriching the wealthiest. These government actions are unconstitutional as prescribed by the FIFTH Amendment as no individual shall be “deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.” Due process requires the state to overcome many hurdles-for example, an individual’s ability to present a case before the government takes action. The Governor’s executive orders fail to provide any review or compensation process, making them illegal.
“The ‘danger pretense’ concerning the closing of “non-essential” business such as restaurants and gyms is entirely forgotten as politicians joined the riots & protests violating their orders regarding social distancing, not staying at home and wearing a mask,” James Marchese pointed out earlier this year as protestors took to the streets to call for the full disarmament of police forces nationwide. Thankfully, as even some honest mainstream journalists note, social distancing regulation enforcement is “politically, ethically, and legally challenging.”
It’s also worth noting that the Supreme Court rules against social distancing measures targeting churches in New York, New Jersey, and Colorado. James Marchese encourages those who face lockdown threats to their business to look for legal ways to fight against Draconian measures meant to crush the middle class and poor while enriching the wealthy who regularly flout lockdown regulations. For example, coming together to file a “class action lawsuit” against the state Governor who signed an executive order locks down a business class.
“Once restrictions are eased throughout the nation, we are sure to see an explosion of economic activity,” James Marchese opined at the time. Sadly, if these measures continue, an explosion will occur for the wealthy, and it will be too late for those who were the most impacted, as they will lose the means to rebuild. Some businesses are closing permanently to the benefit of Amazon, Tesla, Facebook, Twitter, Netflix, and other tech giants. Democrat state governors found excuses for lockdown at least until after January 20, 2021. Another clear sign that the lockdowns were politically motivated and designed to help wealthy business owners in America’s heartland.
Sadly, fundamental freedoms are being eroded as liberal politicians and activists look for ways to chip away at individual liberties via harsh lockdowns. Next, the left will require vaccinations, mask mandates, and restrict travel using the spread of misinformation to justify their actions. The Supreme Court recently opined, “the Constitution is not suspended at times of crisis.” Still, their words and the basis in law fall on deaf ears as power-hungry Governors ignore the law and trample our most sacred document, the United States Constitution.
James Marchese stands out as a bold voice speaking up about the truth.
Originally published at https://www.wikileaks.info on January 26, 2021.